Category: Coaching
How to Make Your People Feel Important
Everybody wants to feel important, valued and want to feel good about themselves. In this episode, we look at a few tips that can help you make people feel important so that they can be more bought in to you and work along with you when you lead them.
How to Connect Through Communication
As a leader it is important to understand that communication helps build relationships and lead people better. In this episode, we talk about a few tips that will help you to communicate effectively by using the right words and also build relationships as you lead people.
Part 3 – Three Tips to Establish Yourself as A Leader
The first thing is this; you need to learn how to delegate tasks within a team. Just because you are a team leader, do not try to do everything by yourself.
Part 2 – Three Tips to Establish Yourself as A Leader
This episode is part two of my series on establishing yourself as a leader. This is especially for aspiring leaders and leaders who are not yet in positions of influence
Part 1 – Three Tips to Establish Yourself as A Leader
Here are three tips on how you can establish yourself as a leader if you are an aspiring leader or want to be noticed as somebody that should be given more responsibility or be given opportunities to lead.
How to Develop a Legacy as A Leader
We are going to be talking about legacy, why it matters and how you can develop legacy in your leadership.
How to Navigate the Winters of Your Life
There are seasons in our life when things don’t seem easy and there is lack of motivation. In this episode, we talk about 4 easy steps to navigate through challenging obstacles in your life
The Power of The Greeting
Greeting is a powerful way to build relationship as a leader. In this episode, we look at how you can build rapport and relationship with just greeting people you work with and see incredible results.
How to Stay Strong During the Process
The process of learning is very crucial to getting to where you want to go. In this episode, I share my own experience of how to stay strong during the process of learning to become a great leader and reach your destination in life.
How My Taxi Driver Taught Me Gratitude
Gratitude is a very essential part for doing life well. In this episode, I share my own experience of how a taxi driver taught me how to be grateful and to be thankful for what we have.