4 Tips For Navigating the Winters of Your Life

If there was any doubt this week (it got warm again!), last week’s cold snap well and truly confirmed that winter has arrived in the Southern Hemisphere, and to top it all off our heater packed it in on the coldest week of the year. I suppose it shouldn’t come as any surprise, winter comes every year at the same time. While it never really gets seriously cold here in Brisbane, getting out of bed on a cold morning is not any easier.

I find life’s often like this. There are seasons that feel like winter. Productivity slows down, we might not be able to do what we wish we could and getting out of bed each day is plain tough.

Like the seasons, we don’t always get a say in the places we find our lives in, but there are some thing’s we can do to make it more enjoyable.

It’s never a question of if winters will come, it’s how you handle the winter that counts.Share on Twitter

4 tips for navigating the winters of our life. 

Before I get into them I want to acknowledge that these four tips are not my own thoughts but have been adapted from a business management book called Fish,by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen. It’s a really easy read and I highly recommend it.

1. Choose your mood.

We can’t always choose our situations but we can choose the mood we take into each day. Approaching the day with an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness alters the way in which we handle the challenges we face.

Psalm 103:1-2 says Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not his benefits. The writer is commanding himself to be thankful and focus on the good. Take the time each morning to examine your life and learn to acknowledge the things you can be thankful for, then make the choice to approach the day with a positive outlook.

We can’t always choose our situations but we can choose the mood we take into each day.Share on Twitter

2. Have Fun

It’s easy in winter seasons to get focused on the challenges, and miss the moments for enjoyment, fun. If you’ve ever watch children around snow in winter, you’ll know that they don’t look at the drudgery of cleaning the paths, or heating the house or how hard it is to get around. All they want to do is play in it and have fun. Sure there are responsibilities and you can’t muck around all the time, but if you can find ways to add some enjoyment or humour to your mundane tasks, the tasks start to feel less mundane. Ecclesiastes 5:18 says – find joy in all you do! Not everything is fun or enjoyable, but fun and joy can be found if we seek it.

Not everything is fun or enjoyable, but fun and joy can be found if we seek it.Share on Twitter

3. Make someone else’s day!

Prov 11:25 Those who bless others will be blessed, refresh and you will be refreshed!

I was on a ferry boat with my family once and I was asking myself how the ferry boat captain handled the mundane routine of his job. Same route back and forth, everyday. Almost as if he read my mind, he stopped the boat mid river and called my 5 year old son up the front to steer. All the passengers gasped in excitement as they watched this 5 year old boy have the experience of his life. They shared my son’s excitement, it put everyone in a great mood because the ferry boat captain made a little boys day. And I bet it broke up the mundane of his day too.

Find a way to give someone else a boost in their day, you’ll be amazed how much it can affect your day also.Share on Twitter

4. Involve others in your experience

The old saying; a problem shared is a problem halved, couldn’t be truer in challenging times but the opposite can also be true. Sharing your progress and experiences with others can also bring greater enjoyment and satisfaction. Human beings always do better with others than in isolation. It is prudent though to be wise about who you invite into your challenges. Choose friends, mentors, guides or coaches who will actually give wise counsel and even challenge you occasionally to keep perspective. Friends who just tell you what you want to hear are nice but are never really much help when you’re facing a challenge, they’ll usually tell you to stay in bed rather than get up.

Friends who just tell you what you want to hear are never really much help when you’re facing a challenge Share on Twitter

Proverbs 19:20-21 – Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand!

Winters aren’t always easy but they don’t have to be miserable. Go out and try these tips and let me know how you go. Lead well no matter where you find yourself.

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