Ep. 16: How Leaders Can Develop Empathy with Dr. Lou Agosta

In this episode, we talk with communications expert Bart Queen as he teaches you how to communicate more effectively, develop your confidence, and find your true voice. Links mentioned in this episode:Bart’s Websitewww.bartqueen.com
This week we sit down with Marian Wright, host of the Favourite Friends podcast, to talk about what it means to lead as an introvert. Links mentioned in this episode:Marian’s Instagram@marian.wright
This week we talk to businessman, church leader, and property developer David Westbrook, on servant leadership, why its so important, and how you can do it well.
This week we catch up with George Pappachen, a senior executive from Amazon, as he talks about leading through adversity. Links mentioned in this episode:George’s LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/georgepappachen/
This week we talk with Joel Bagnel from Lift Leaders in Denmark about the importance of understanding developing the next generation. Links mentioned in this episode: Left leadershttps://www.liftleaders.com/ Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/liftleaderse… FREE Goal Setting Guidehttps://leadcommunicategrow.com/free-…
This week we sit down with Troy Hamilton to talk about the importance of listening and give you some skills to help you become a better listener. Links mentioned in this episode:Troy’s LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/troyhamil… Acoustic Rhythmshttps://www.acousticrhythms.net/about… FREE Goal Setting Guidehttps://leadcommunicategrow.com/free-…