6 Steps to Discovering Your Purpose

So, you know it’s important to know your purpose. But what if you don’t know what it is? How can you discover it?

In my previous post I suggested some reasons why knowing your purpose or “why” is so important to reaching your full potential both personally and professionally. But what if you don’t know what that purpose is? Or you’ve discovered that the purpose that was driving you, needs some reevaluation…what then?

John Maxwell suggested 6 questions that can help us assess and identify our why:

1.Do you love what you’re doing now? Seems kind of obvious but if you don’t like what you’re doing now, change it. Too many people keep themselves trapped in jobs and situations that they don’t like, all the while complaining about how much they hate their job, life, etc…  Too many people keep themselves trapped in jobs and situations that they don’t like

Complaining about your situation without changing it does nothing to help you find your purpose, it only makes everyone else around you miserable. Conversely, if you really love what you do, then it’s a good indication you are doing something aligned with your bigger purpose. I like to call this your passion. If you’re doing something you love and it doesn’t feel like a chore, lean into it.

Complaining about your situation without changing it does nothing to help you find your purpose”

2. What would you like to do? Do you have something that you’ve always dreamed of doing? Something that when you’re not preoccupied with the mundane of life it always invades your thoughts? When you’ve got spare time you look for ways to do it? This is called your desire. When your passion and desire intersect, that is where you find purpose… But before you rush out to pursue your desires the next question is important…

“When your passion and desire intersect, that is where you find purpose”

3. Can You do what you want to do? We’ve all seen those folks on TV singing competitions, who say singing is their life, they dream about nothing else but singing, but when they open their mouth everyone cringes because they just can’t sing!

Not all desires should be pursued. If it’s not a gift you possess or something in your strength zone, don’t try and do it. You’ll only frustrate yourself… Ask yourself what you are good at. If you’re not sure what your gift is, what do others say that you’re good at? What’s a task or activity that comes easy to you and brings you enjoyment?  That’s where you’ll start to get closer to your strength zone. “Not all desires should be pursued.”

4. Do you know people who do what you want to do? One of the keys to moving into the area of your desires is knowing others who have gone before you. People who can show you the way, can give you insights into the challenges and how to face them. If the answer is no, start by seeking out and building relationship with others who can do what you want to do.

Jim Rohn says: you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Are the people you spend your time with helping you move towards your desires or away from your desires? This is your environment. To discover and go after your purpose you have to create the environment around you that will be conducive to your growth.

Some others ways you can achieve this is by joining a mastermind group, getting a coach or joining a professional organisation related to your passion. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

5. Will you pay the price? As Maxwell says; To go up you must be prepared to give up… Every stage of your growth and development will require a price to be paid in sacrifice. Having a desire and a passion is a start, but it will only really be realised if you are prepared to pay the price required to achieve it. You will have a good indication of your purpose when you know what you’re prepared to sacrifice for.

“You will have a good indication of your purpose when you know what you’re prepared to sacrifice for ”

6. When can you start doing it? It’s one thing to have a passion and even have the drive to make it happen, but until your desire become action it will remain just that; desire. Purpose is tie closely to action, without action your purpose will remain unrealised. Have you started taking steps toward your purpose? If not, when will you start? The things you move towards today will become your legacy for tomorrow. What are you moving towards now? Do you need to change your focus?

Until your desire becomes action it will remain just that; desire #blogpost Discover your purpose”

Your turn: Do you know your why? Post it below. If not, get started today. take yourself through the above the questions and let me know what you discover. Go on, I’ll be here when you get back. Make your start today.

If you’d like help to walk through this process with somebody, contact me for a free coaching session. I’d love to walk you through it.

If you would like to learn more about effectively growing in your leadership, why not check out our FREE Goal setting guide. See below for details.


5 Steps to Set Goals that Work