How to Take the Next Step

This episode is brought to you by my Goal Setting Guide, it is a FREE guide that you can download. The link is at the end of this blog. It is going to help you refine your goals and set them in such a way that they will be achievable and you will actually see success. 

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I just finished hiking diamond head crater with my family and it was fascinating. It takes about an hour going up a winding trail and as you get started it starts to get a little bit heavy on the legs, you start to lose breath, then you hit this staircase and there are about 67 stairs. You start to feel the legs burn and you start to hear the groans from people around you who are hiking, then you get to the top of the stairs and there is a tunnel. The tunnel is an incline as well, so you walk for a couple of minutes through this dark tunnel that is on an incline and your legs are starting to burn a little bit more, you are starting to feel a little bit more short of breath.

As you emerge from the tunnel you find yourself almost breathing a sigh of relief because it feels like you have come to the end of your trip, then you hear this collective groan from everybody that turns the corner, you see what is around the corner and it is a staircase. There are a hundred stairs and it is almost vertical, you have got a choice, you either go up the vertical stairs that takes you to the summit or you take a left turn for an easier path which takes you to a lookout that is a little bit lower than the summit.

We took the staircase up and as I was walking up these stairs my legs were screaming out for a break, I was reminded of this article I read about marathon runners and how to get through their 42 kilometers that they have to run they just take one step at a time. Just put one foot in front of the other, that is all you have to do when it gets painful and so it is just putting one foot in front of the other. It is a mind game and as we got to the top we were met with this panoramic view of Oahu Island, all the coastline, the surf and the buildings. It was just spectacular and you know it struck me that life is a little bit like that, sometimes your greatest triumphs are preceded by your biggest challenges.

If you can just put one foot in front of the other and just keep going and just keep persevering you will actually get to the top and you will be rewarded with the triumph.

The interesting thing about this hike is when we started out there were people from all walks of life, there were really fit people and there were really unfit people, there were old people, they were young people and it did not really matter how you started the journey, what mattered was whether you went up that staircase or whether you were rewarded with the view and life is like that.

It does not matter where you are starting in your life, whether you think you are really successful or whether you think that you are struggling just to get ahead, it doesn’t matter how you start your journey it only matters if you keep pushing through when there is hardships because when there is hardships or struggle that is when you grow, that is when you grow stronger and you actually get to your greatest triumphs, i want to remind you that you can lead no matter where you are at in your life. 

If you would like to dig deeper into this and other topics on leadership, why don’t you check out my course, Leading for Success. I take a deep dive into the seven essential keys on leading well and you can get the link below. This is going to be really helpful to any leaders who are looking to level up and learn the fundamentals of their leadership. Do not forget my goal setting guide for success is also available below. 

If you would like to learn more about effectively growing in your leadership, why not check out our FREE Goal setting guide. See below for details.

5 Steps to Set Goals that Work

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