How to Have A ‘Can Do’ Attitude

If you are the person that is always willing to help others, willing to add value to others and say, “You know what, no problem let’s give it a go!”, then you will find that more and more people are willing to add value to you.

How to Build Trust as A Leader

As a leader trust is an important factor to have a positive relationship and lead your team. In this episode, we discuss the beginning stages of building trust and practical things to do as leaders to engender a relationship of trust with the team.

How to Develop Empathy as A Leader

Empathy is important so that you understand the people you work with and know them as a leader. In this episode, we discuss the phases of empathy and how important it is to put yourself in others shoes to understand them better.

How to Deal with Difficult People

This secret works with everybody, it is not just for difficult people, it is for anybody that you have a relationship with. Whether it is somebody you lead, your superior, your colleague or even your spouse, your children or extended family members. This secret is effective.

How to Appreciate Your Team

Appreciation is one of the simplest ways that you can actually build rapport with your team. When you regularly engage with your team over small tasks, thank them. Show them that you have noticed the work that they do.