4 Tips for Becoming a Person of Influence – #3 Show Faith in Others

Increase your positive impact on others and watch your personal and professional success go off the charts. 

Alright here it is; tip 3 for becoming a person of influence. If you’ve ever wondered how you can increase your positive impact on other people, then you need to learn how to become a person of influence.

In this post,tip 3 of four easy tips from John Maxwell’s teaching on becoming a person of influence, I want to give you the tip that will enable you to speak into the lives of others and see them rise to the expectations you have for them. A tip so simple you can start applying it straight away, to increase your positive impact on others. If you missed tip 1 go here >>> and tip 2 go here>>>

3. Show Faith in Others

Showing faith in others is all about believing in the potential others, seeing them for what they could be even if they can’t see it for themselves and giving them opportunities to rise to the next level of their growth.

You know, most people don’t believe in themselves and many don’t have someone in their life who believes in them or encourages them to reach the full potential let alone give them opportunities to shine.

When you start seeing others not for who they are but who they could be and give them opportunities to rise to that potential, two things will happen. 1. They will begin to see themselves the way you see them and begin to live up to the potential you encourage them towards. 2. They will begin to open up to you. They will begin to trust and allow you to speak into their life because you show faith in them.

Your ability to influence and impact others positively will grow as you encourage them to grow into their full potential.

A great place to start is to see everybody as a 10/10. No matter where they are in their life journey, get into the habit of seeing the very best in everyone you interact with and focus on who they can be not who they may be.

What about you? Have you had someone who showed faith in you and helped you become the person your are today? Tell us about it in the comments.

To make it easier for you to learn these tips, I have prepared a FREE tip sheet and 4 short videos that you can watch and start applying in your life immediately. Click here to access your FREE tip sheet and video teaching today and start becoming a person of influence.

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