4 Tips for Becoming a Person of Influence – #2 Become a Nurturer of Others

Increase your positive impact on others and watch your personal and professional success go off the charts. 

If you’ve ever wondered how you can increase your positive impact on other people, then you need to learn how to become a person of influence.

In this post I want to give you tip 2 of four easy tips from John Maxwell’s teaching on becoming a person of influence that you can start applying straight away, to increase your positive impact on others. If you missed tip 1 go here >>>

2. Become a Nurturer of Others

Becoming a nurturer is two fold. First it is about showing others respect, regardless of if they deserve it or not. In a world where respect is so often withheld until others show respect to us, being a nurturer and showing respect to others even if they don’t deserve it will make you stand out like the proverbial sore thumb.

When you can show the people you work with, lead or work for that you respect them not for what they do for you, but because they are a fellow human being that deserves to be treated with value and dignity, people will respond to you positively.

The second aspect of being a nurturer s showing others that you genuinely care about them. Take an interest in their life, find out what’s important to them and how can you add value or show care to others without expecting anything in return.

With so many in life out for only what can benefit them, your genuine care respect of others will give you a level of influence and positive impact on others lives that you would have never believed possible before.

Most people start with the question what’s in it for me or what can you do for me? When you flip that and start asking how can I add value to you, people will respond with enthusiasm and genuine engagement to you. What’s more they will often respond in turn by wanting to assist you in what matters for you.

What’s one way you can show genuine respect and care to somebody in your sphere of influence. Share it in the comments below.

To make it easier for you to learn these tips, I have prepared a FREE tip sheet and 4 short videos that you can watch and start applying in your life immediately. Click here to access your FREE tip sheet and video teaching today and start becoming a person of influence.

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