4 Tips for Becoming a Person of Influence – #1 How to Have Integrity

Increase your positive impact on others and watch your personal and professional success go off the charts. 

Have you ever wondered how you can increase your positive impact on other people?

Maybe you’re trying to get a promotion but can’t seem to get anyone to notice. Perhaps you’re a manager and you’re struggling to connect with your team or you’re a leader trying to inspire others but it just feels like pushing bricks up a hill.

The great John Maxwell says; Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to increase your impact on others, you need to learn how to become a person of influence. Everything else in your journey of leadership and personal development pivots off this core principal…

Become a person of influence and you will see your personal and organisational success go off the charts… I guarantee it!

Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
Coaches will see players/clients blossom
Salespeople will break records
Leaders will reach more people
Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
To help you increase your positive impact on others I have put together a FREE tip sheet and 4 short videos to get you started on your development of influence.
So how do you do it? Become a person of Influence?

Many a book has been written on the topic, so I’m not going to try and re-create them but for those of you just getting started in this realm, I want to give you four easy tips from John Maxwell’s teaching on the topic that you can start applying straight away, to increase your positive impact on others. You don’t have to be an expert, just pick one thing and start making the change..

1. Integrity.
The first key to becoming a person of influence is to become a person of good character and integrity. Integrity is choosing to do right even when nobody’s looking. Conducting yourself in a way that even if those around you are willing to; let it slide, over look the details, blur the line a little (“cos nobody cares or nobody will notice…”) choose to be the person that doesn’t.

Initially people around you may think you’re being a stiff or square, but very quickly you will start standing out, people will notice you for your high moral character and unwillingness to compromise on standards of integrity.

You will also begin to build trust with those around you. They will know they can count on you to do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it. No exceptions.

Start on the little things, the things that most people wouldn’t notice or even care about. As you develop the habit in the small stuff, you will find that it comes very naturally with the big stuff that everyone notices.

Become a person of integrity and watch your influence and respect with others increase.

What do you think? Comment below and tell me about one small area of your life that you think you can grow your integrity.

To make it easier for you to learn these tips, I have prepared a FREE tip sheet and 4 short videos that you can watch and start applying in your life immediately. Click here to access your FREE tip sheet and video teaching today and start becoming a person of influence.

To read about tip 2 click here >>>

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