Tag: leadership skills
How to Take the Next Step
Taking the next step can be a big struggle and seem very difficult. In this episode, we look at how taking the next step can take you ahead in life and take you to your greatest triumph through all the challenges.
4 Tips to Help You Grow Your Team
In this episode, we look at 4 tips that can help you grow your team and get the best out of them in order to perform better.
Why Do Your Thoughts Matter
As a person thinks and feels that’s how your life becomes, your life follows the pattern of your thoughts. In this episode, I discuss how changing your thoughts and attitude can bring change in your life and help you lead better.
How Complaining Can Ruin Your Success
Complaining can be one of the biggest downfalls when it comes to your success. In this episode, I discuss my personal experiences on how complaining hindered my success. The healthier way to live life is to complain less and be more focused to find solutions.
How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
You are going to have to deal with the fear of the unknown at every step of your personal growth but you are going to have to overcome the fear barrier
How to Have A ‘Can Do’ Attitude
If you are the person that is always willing to help others, willing to add value to others and say, “You know what, no problem let’s give it a go!”, then you will find that more and more people are willing to add value to you.
How to Build Trust as A Leader
As a leader trust is an important factor to have a positive relationship and lead your team. In this episode, we discuss the beginning stages of building trust and practical things to do as leaders to engender a relationship of trust with the team.
How to Develop Empathy as A Leader
Empathy is important so that you understand the people you work with and know them as a leader. In this episode, we discuss the phases of empathy and how important it is to put yourself in others shoes to understand them better.
How to Get on Top of Your Emotions With Pat Mesiti
It (escalated emotions) will raise your anxiety levels, it will make you feel good but it is not going to change anything out there, so prepare for the future. Get to a place where you are going to hit the ground running.
How to Deal with Difficult People
This secret works with everybody, it is not just for difficult people, it is for anybody that you have a relationship with. Whether it is somebody you lead, your superior, your colleague or even your spouse, your children or extended family members. This secret is effective.